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13 Nov

Five Simple Ways to Bring the Outside In, Whatever the Season


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Snow is falling in Calgary – and so is the temperature. The time you spend outside may become more sparse, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the outdoors from the comfort of your home! Here are five simple ways to bring nature indoors, regardless what season it is.

  1. Open your blinds

Winter may bring fewer hours of daylight, but you can still maximize what we get by opening your blinds – especially on the south side of your property. Unfortunately, being near a window is not an effective way to help obtain Vitamin D, a vitamin that many of us struggle to get during the colder months. To ensure your body has optimal levels of the vitamin, you may want to consider getting it synthetically through foods or supplements.

  1. Open your windows

There is arguably no better way to bring the outside in than to open your windows and let in some fresh air! Not only will this help make your home smell great, research suggests it could even help benefit your gut health.

  1. Consider essential oils

They say scent is the strongest sense tied to memory; what better way to transport yourself to that unforgettable mountain getaway than to fill your home with the fragrance of cedar or pine?

  1. Channel your inner green thumb

Plants are a great way to (quite literally!) bring the outside in. In addition to beautifying your home, some plants such as spider plants and snake plants can even help purify the air. While you may not want their namesakes in your house, the corresponding improvement in air quality is a welcome benefit!

  1. Shop for décor at the grocery store

Who said décor couldn’t be edible? Nothing brightens up a kitchen more than glass container filled with bright, juicy lemons. Decorating for fall? Consider stocking your basket with pumpkins and gourds to bring a festive – and natural – vibe to your home.

As mortgage brokers, we are available to help you with your mortgage needs all year long. Contact us today!